ignou solved assignmentAssignment is the collection of queries related to your program. The students are required to answer these questions correctly in their own languages and deposit it into their study centre in the specified time period.

Assignment Submission is Required for

All masters, Bachelor, PG Diploma, Diploma, PG Certificate and certification program

Important Things to Know before Writing IGNOU Solved Assignments.


Get a Good comprehension of Topic: Ironically, the students of IGNOU seem to become more concerned about where to bring the assignment, how to get rid of the tension known as assignment than to know more about the subject in detail for when they become able to know the topic comprehensively, half of the problem will be solved. Even if they get the assignment from any external source, they will be in a position to judge whether a specific assignment is Much Better or not.

Use the words that are common: Many students of IGNOU write very uncommon words, intended for the editorials of notable English paper, under the impression that viewing these words their own examiner will be able to fathom the level of knowledge that they have from the subject they’ve written assignment on. However, the simple fact is more the content pushes referring to a dictionary even less it becomes in. If you need to use same word again and again, you may write its synonym, but the synonym also should be common in use.


Avoid Using Technical Jargons: Many students of IGNOU are addicted to technica jargons. They, without writing its own background and reference in which these jargons are used, just write technical jargons. And these words seem to be such as parachutes, rather align into the other words, subverting the meaning of the whole sentence. Agreed, your exam paper will be checked by the specialist, but avoid doing experiment using these technical jargons.


Create an End to your Assignment with Logical Conclusion: Mind, you are not the only one who has submitted the assignment paper. There are tens of thousands more. So, in order to lower the load of your examiner and impress him/her, it’s always better to finish your assignment with a logical conclusion. Your concluding paragraph will not only prove to be a great time-saver for the examiner, but will also help him/her judge you better and reward you accordingly.


Write is Good Handwriting: Mind, your handwriting is exactly what will make you stand in front of the competition.  If your handwriting is not impressive, no one examiner will take the pain to understand what you have written in under pages. Your handwriting will be judged just like the index of your writing and it’ll be construed that your content is as good or as bad as your handwriting is.


To write assignments, either you use rule sheets or A4 size sheets.Because assignments need to be hand-written.

Before start writing assignments, go through the questions and look for the answers in textbooks. You’re very likely}to get most of the answers from them.Use online resources as certain topics are better explained in online resources compare to text books.

If a question seeking explanation, include conclusion on your response below the mind “Conclusion”.

Highlight important lines or points on your answers.

If you are working professional and pursuing course from IGNOU, then make a goal to write 1 answer every day. This way you are able to write assignments easily and without any pressure. If you can write few answers daily, then it is better for you. It will help you to avoid last minute run.

Insert page numbers and also mention the total page numbers to get an assignment on cover page. In case, somehow the officers lose couple of pages, then it would be their responsibility and you’ll receive advantage of it.

Submit assignments properly. The sheets must be stapled properly. Also, submit it in report file rather than stick file to avoid the situation of misplace from the officials.


A note: Writing assignments on your own really help you for examination. Because it induce you to study the subjects within a subject and allow you to have an idea about the topics. So, try to write it on your own instead of asking someone else to write it for you.

ferences unless completely necessary. And if your opinion is needed, make sure to obviously determine it in and of itself. you’ll need to place it in a wholly completely different section, if potential.

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